I want a basic insurance

Our car insurance and hull insurance partners are the leading insurance houses in Croatia.

If you are buying a car in our stores, at the same time you can buy an insurance policy, i.e. you can buy the insurance no matter if you're buying a car or not.

You can arrange a car liability policy or hull insurance.

Mandatory Responsibility Car Insurance

In order to protect their own economic interests owners, i.e. users of motor vehicles have to, by law, have an insurance policy. The insurance protects you from the damages to a third party with the use of a motor vehicle. To a third party you can cause death, physical injuries, damages to the heath, destruction of property.

The right to compensation have all persons who are in the vehicle which caused the accident and all persons in the other vehicle which participated in the accident.

The right to the compensation don’t have:

  1. The driver of the vehicle and his legal inheritors because of death or physical injuries of the driver;
  2. The owner, part-owner and every other person who uses the vehicle in the case when property has been damaged.


 Good and careful drivers are awarded with a discount on an insurance premium (bonus).

For every year with no damages reported, we give you:

  • after the 1st year - 10%
  • after the 2nd year- 15%
  • after the 3rd year - 20%
  • after the 4th year - 25%
  • after the 5th year - 30%
  • after the 6th year - 35%
  • after the 7th year - 40%
  • after the 8th year - 45%
  • after the 9th year - 50% discount on an insurance premium !!!


The right to a certain premium level (bonus/malus) is related to a certain owner of a vehicle and is not transferable to a new over.

Exceptionally, when the members of the inner family (spouses, children and parents) inherit the vehicle, the right and commitments from the decree about the right and obligations of the premium levels (bonus/malus) are transferred onto the heirs.

Exceptionally, the rights to an acquired premium level the owner can transfer to his or her spouse if the insured person sells or unregisters the vehicle (this refers to personal vehicles and motorcycles). You can get additional insurance at Croatia osiguranje, for example, for:

  1. Persons with 80% or bigger disability get a 15% discount.
  2. Persons with 80% or bigger disability on their lower extremities, or complete loss of sight get a 20% discount. This discount excludes the discount under 1.
  3. Croatian military invalids from the Croatian War of Independence form I to V group of disabilities get a 20% discount. And the invalids in the groups VI to X get a 15% discount.
  4. The insured persons can use the given discounts only for one automobile.

The largest selection of used cars under warranty, total number of used cars that we offer: 570.